The biggest step in any journey is said to be the first one. It’s the venturing out into the yet unknown that is a pretty big roadblock for a lot of people. However, I am willing to make that step to journey out into the larger world at hand and hopefully add some insight and contrast to what we see around us.
If you are wondering why this blog is titled ‘Out of Register,’ it is referring to the offset printing process. When you are printing with more than one ink the registration, which is the alignment of the two printing plates, need to be aligned properly with one another in order to print the page correctly. When the registration is off is when you notice that something is not right.
This is generally quite noticeable, for some reason, on pizza boxes where the inks did not quite line up. It is even more noticeable in color photography in newspapers where any one of the four colors aren’t quite registered correctly. What this has to do with the name of the blog is that I am not seeking to fit into the general mold of what would be considered politically correct. It’s easy to write when everyone agrees with you. It is not so simple when that writing is not well received. I am hoping that this blog falls into the latter category.
Does this mean that I’m hoping to fail? No. I’m hoping to bring to light a different perspective on a variety of topics. I am currently working on a few topics discussing ownership of source files relating to graphic designers, why art is subjective not objective, why 5.1 audio and 3D movies aren’t all they’re promoted to be, that just because things are social acceptable doesn’t make them OK as well as quite a few other topics.
The purpose is not to just anger people. The posts of the blog will hopefully get readers to see that some things we, and I include myself in this, have always believed to be true may not necessarily be so. It’s been quite a journey for myself to get to where I am and it’s included a lot of trials but I’m hoping to pass on my own slant of things here in Out of Register to anyone who’s willing to read it.
Enjoy. =^ )